Glass Blowing

Glass Blowing

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Glass blowing is a glass forming techniques that involves inflating molten glass in to bubble or parison with the aid of a blow pipe or blow tube. A person who blows glass is called a glass blower , glass mith , or gaffer.Glass blowing is a great forming techniques that humans have used to shape glass since the 1st century B.C. The techniques consists of inflating molten glass with a blow pipe to form a sort of glass bubble , that can be molded in to glass ware for practical or artistic purposes.

Glass blowing also known as lamp working or lamp blowing. The technique of heating , melting and forming glass rods and tubes using a flame generated by a burner or torch. Glass blowing was invented by Syrian crafts men in the area of Sidon , Aleppo , Hama  and Palmyra in the 1st century BC, where blown vessels for every day and luxury use were produced commercially and exported to all parts of the Roman Empire.

A person who blows glass is called a glass blower , glassmith , or gaffer. Scientific glass blowing is a specialized form of glass blowing used in industry , science , art and design. It combines traditional hand techniques , including the use of lathes and torches , with the latest techniques such as lasers.

Two major methods of glass blowing are free blowing and mold blowing. Free blowing technique held very important position in glass forming ever since its introduction in the middle of the 1st century BC until the late 19th century and is still widely use now a days.

Glass Blowing Process :

Thanks to the glass blowing process , glass has been one of the most use full materials in human society for centuries. We have laid the exact process , step by step , to give you a better under standing of how exactly we have made the best use of this wonder full material.

Before starting the glass blowing process , the glass is placed in a furnace that heats it ti a temperature of 2000 degrees , making it malleable. Next the glass is gathered by inserting one end of the blow pipe in to the furnace , and rolling it over the molten glass until a gob of glass attaches to it.

To give the glass its final shape and size , it is blown in to with a blow pipe , creating a sort of bubble of glass. To carry out this process , the blow pipe holding the glass must be placed on a steel stand. Then , the glass artist has to blow in to the blow pipe while rotating it at the same time. Through out this process , the glass needs to be continuously taken to the glory hole to be reheated because blowing it cools it very quickly.

Country Is Known For Glass Blowing :

Sweden has a rich history of glass making , and is renowned for its high quality glass. In the 19th century , Sweden was at the fore front of the Art Nouveau movement , and this style is still evident in the country’s art glass production.

Glass Blowing Materials :

Take high quality sand , soda , ash , dolomite , lime stone , salt cake and broken glass cullet and melt at white heat to a highly viscous consistency. Let the mixture digest for a time and you are well on the way to making one of the world’s most important materials.

Process Of Glass Blowing :

The process of free blowing involves discharging short puffs of air in to the molten glass , known as gather , which is spooled at one end of the blow pipe. This causes the interior of the glass blob to form an elastic skin similar to that of the exterior caused to the decrease of heat emitted by the furnace.

The simplified glass blowing process First , molten glass is gathered from the furnace on one end of the blow pipe. Then , the blow pipe is rolled over the marver to shape the glass cylindrically and symmetrically. Once the glass begins to harden , it is taken to the glory hole another furnace to be reheated again.

The artist takes the heated glass on the blow pipe and rolls it over the color , picking up pieces with each roll. Then , its back to the Glory Hole where the colored glass is heated to melt in to the clear. Again , the glass blower keeps turning the pipe to keep the shape at the end of the pole.

Tips For Glass Blowing :

Turn the pipe as you blow in to it so the air is evenly dispersed. Blow in to the glass continuously with even breathes for 10 to 15 seconds. Do not blow in to the glass for too long , as you do not want it to become too cool or lose too much heat. Blow in to it for 10-15 second intervals so it stays hot. Glass blowing is the art of creating glass sculptures by manipulating molten glass in a very hot furnace. It is a fun way to express your creativity and try working with a new material. Blowing glass requires working closely with heat and glass , so make sure you take all the necessary precautions before you roll , blow , and shape the glass.

Safety Precautions In Glass Blowing :

  • Do not swing a pipe in the direction of another person.

  • Do not give the pipe a full swing no more than shoulder height.

  • Never raise the blow pipe higher than your head.

  • You should always move around the shop with the hot glass end of the pipe angled towards the floor.

Glass blowing is a techniques that involves gathering molten glass from a furnace to the end of a blow pipe in order to create glass bubbles. Glass casting is carried out by placing molten glass in to a mold where it solidifies.

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